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About JPM

 | Post date: 2017/05/29 | 
Full Journal Title Journal of Preventive Medicine
ISSN 2476-7182
E-ISSN 2423-429X
Website https://jpm.hums.ac.ir/
Email jpmhums.ac.ir 
Journal Disciplines Preventive Medicine
Language Persian Full-text/ English Abstract & Bibliography
Start Year 2014, October
Frequency Quarterly
Type of Material Serial (Periodical)
Owner & Publisher Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences
Director-in-Charge Dr. Abdoul Hossain Madani
Editor-in-Chief Dr. Mehdi Zare
Status Active
Refereed Double-blind Peer Review
Type of Access Open Access (OA)
Full-text Available PDF
Type of License CC-BY-NC
Plagiarism Detection Software iThenticate
Article Processing Charges Free
Principles of Publishing Ethics COPE’s Code of Conduct and Best Practices
Document Identifier Type DOI
Co-Publisher Negah Institute for Social Research & Scientific Communication In Cooperation with Negah Scientific Publisher


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