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Showing 2 results for Mental Workload

Mahdi Mohammadzadeh, Ehsanolah Habibi, Akbar Hassanzadeh,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2015)

Introduction: Subjective workload is a general concept in ergonomics literature, defined as the costs to the operator's health to achieve a certain level of performance. On the other hand early withdrawal of workers from work has increased the problems of today's industries. In this regard Promotion of workers ability is one of the most effective ways to prevent the disability. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between work ability and mental work load with musculoskeletal disorders among workers in a steel industry.

Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out on 300 workers from various occupational groups in a steel industry. The Persian version of NASA-TLX questionnaire, work ability index questionnaire, and Nordic Questionnaire were used for data collection. Collected Data were analyzed using to SPSS ver. 20 Software .Independent t-test and Mann-Whitney were used.

Results: Independent t-test showed a significant relationship between the musculoskeletal disorders and work ability of workers (P<.001). Also Mann-Whitney test showed a significant relationship between the musculoskeletal disorders and total workload, dimensions of effort, temporal demand, frustration, mental demand and physical demand (P<0.001, P=0.004, P=0.005, P=0.022, P=0.024, respectively). Significant relationship was observed between the workers musculoskeletal disorders and performance dimension (P=0.087).

Conclusion: Mental workload of workers was high and their work ability was at an intermediate level. Based on the relationship between workload and work ability with musculoskeletal disorders, creating perfect job conditions, Providing training programs for employees and increasing workers ability can contribute to prevention of musculoskeletal disorders.

Maryam Rezai , Sedighah Hosseinabadi , Asma Pour Taheri , Zohreh Fazli ,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (9-2018)

Introduction: Nowdays, mental workload is one of the most important issues in the workplaces.Various factors affect the cognitive capacities of individuals which may lead to human errors. Due to the nature of the work and the use of tools and equipment in the tuna fish factory, the risk of accidents increases as a result of human error.The purpose of this study was to investigate the type of accidents and the relationship between the accidents and mental workload in the tuna fish factory.
Methods: This cross-sectional and descriptive-analytical study was carried out on all of the 48 employees of the Zagros Parsian Factory. Nasa-Tlx questionnaire was used to collect data. Accident statistics were obtained through self-reported and recorded accident documents.  Data were analyzed by SPSS software using t-test, linear regression, one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation.
Results: The results showed a significant relationship between sex and the rate of the accidents (P-Value<0.009). The Accident requency Rate (AFR) determined to be 195. The average of the mental workload was higher than the desired 50% level. The mean of accidents in women (27.82) was higher than that of the men (16.46). There was a significant relationship between the frequency of accidents and the total mental workload (P-Value<0.04). This significant relationship was observed in the production saloon (P-Value<0252). Also, regarding the mental workload subscales, there was a significant correlation between the performance and mental workload (P-value<044) and the amount of boredom and mental workload (P-Value<0.0001).
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, mental workload is likely to affect the frequency of accidents. Therefore, implementing a program to modify the mental workload, such as revising the work hours and resting periods seems necessary.
Key Words: Mental Workload, NASA-TLX Method, Accidents, Workers, Tuna Fish Factory.

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