Showing 6 results for Children
A Alimorad , A Madani , Z Radafshar , F Zarei,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2015)
Introduction: Recognizing tooth health condition in each region is essential in order to take prevention measures. Dental exam is the most effective way of determining tooth health condition. The aim of this study was to determine decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT( indices and their related factors in 7-12 year old students in the city of Bandar Abbas in 2014.
Methods: In this descriptive - analytical cross sectional study a total of 768 school children (384 girls and 384 boys) were randomly selected from schools. Pupils were examined clinically for dental caries according to world health organization criteria (DMFT) and dental caries prevalence. Dental examinations of students were done under artificial light, using explorer, glove, mask, flash light and dental mirrors and results were recorded in world health organization standard form. Data was analyzed by SPSS 20 Software and Chi- Square tests. The differentiations with P<0/05 were significant.
Results: Dental caries prevalence "overall" was 65.2, in permanent dentition. The mean DMFT index was 1.61 in girls and 1.98 in boys. The mean DMFT index (total) was 1.8. Comparing means of DMFT index showed significant differences between the gender (P=0.009) and age (P=0.001).
Conclusion: Dental caries prevalence among 7-12 years-old school children in Bandar Abbas is higher than the global standard of WHO. The current study has identified a very high prevalence of caries among school children with male gender status. Therefore, improving the existing dental services and performing early oral education, prevention and treatment programs for school children seems to be necessary in the future.
Sarira Hashemipour, Kourosh Mohammadi,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (12-2018)
Introduction: : Autism is a developmental disorder that occurs in the first three years of childhood and affects normal brain development and social interactions. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Child Centered Group Play Therapy on the emotional and social skills of children with autism disorders.
Methods: The statistical population of the study consisted of 10 children aged 6 to 8 years with autism disorder who were selected by available sampling method and assigned into experimental (n=5) and control groups (n = 5). It was a pretest-posttest semi-experimental study and the study tools were Zimerman Emotion Management Skill Questionnaire and Elliot & Gersham Social Skills Questionnaire. After the implementation of the pretest, the intervention (child-centered therapy game) was performed for the experimental group and then the posttest was performed.
Results: Multivariate covariance analysis showed that Child Centered Play Therapy significantly increased the emotional and social skills in the experimental group compared with the control group (p<0.001).
Conclusion: According to the results, child-centered therapeutic games improve the emotional skills of children with autism and is useful in teaching emotional and social skills to autistic children. Therefore, it is suggested that health care administrators pay attention to this matter.
Maryam Barani , Laleh Hassani, Amin Ghanbarnejad, Mohamad Ali Molavi ,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (8-2019)
Introduction: The role of parents, especially mothers, in caring for a child with cancer undergoing chemotherapy during and after treatment is important. Proper caring behavior will be enhanced through self-efficacy and interventions can increase self-efficacy and subsequently caring behavior will change. This study aimed to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and caring behavior of mothers of children with cancer undergoing chemotherapy.
Methods: This Cross-Sectional study was of correlational type. Statistical population consisted of all mothers (86 subjects) of children with cancer undergoing chemotherapy in Bandar Abbas children hospital in 2017. Data were collected by a researcher-made self caring and general self-efficacy questionnaires which were completed by mothers and finally analyzed by SPSS software using Pearson correlation coefficient, independent t-test, and ANOVA tests.
Results: According to the results, 57% of mothers were in good condition regarding self-efficacy and caring behavior. There was a significant relationship between maternal caring behavior with age (P-value = 0.03), maternal education (P-value = 0.02), and number of chemotherapy sessions (P-value = 0.005). There was a positive and significant correlation between self-efficacy and caring behavior of mothers (P-value <0.001).
Conclusion: The results showed that mothers' caring behavior was in good condition and due to the importance of self-efficacy, it seems that interventions based on self-efficacy theory could make mothers more capable and better caregivers.
Atefeh Mohammadi, Sedighe Abedini, ,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (8-2019)
Introduction: self-medication is a socioeconomic health problem in different communities. In this regard, there is a need for special attention to self-medication in parents especially those taking care of children. Therefore, the present research aimed to investigate the prevalence of self-medication in the parents of 1-8 year old children reffered to Shahid Mohammadi hospital in Bandar Abbas.
Methods: The present descriptive-analytical study was conducted on 200 parents of 1-8 year old children reffered to Shahid Mohammadi hospital in Bandar Abbas. Participants were selected using simple randomized sampling method. Data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire that its validity and reliability were measured. Data were analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: The results showed that 64% of parents had committed self-medication to their child. The most important causes of self-medication were easy drug supply from pharmacies with no prescription (71.5%), availability of medications at home or by relatives(65.5%), and previous experience of the disease (5305%). The most prevalent drugs taken were cold pills (99.5%), sedatives (97.5%), and antibiotics (52.5%). Statistically significant correlations were found between the prevalence of self-medication and Parents’ education (p-value<0.001), insurance type (p-value=0.013), and the number of children (p-value<0.001).
Conclusion: Since in the present research a high percentage of parents had tried self-medications for their children, it is essential to conduct educational programes to teach them the logical consumption of drugs and make them aware of the adverse effects of drugs.
Kambiz Ghasemi, Maryam Esteghamati, Ghazal Zoghi,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2021)
Introduction: Enuresis is one of the most common disorders in children and its prevalence varies according to the living region and age. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of enuresis and its related factors in school-age children.
Methods: This descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional study included 1465 school-age children in Bandar Abbas in 2015. A checklist was used for data collection including children’s age, gender, educational status, history of urinary tract infection or upper respiratory infection, diurnal enuresis (presence and frequency), and snoring, as well as parents’ age, education, employment status, history of enuresis in parents and siblings, and the number of individuals sleeping in the same place as the child. Data were analyzed using SPSS software and Chi-square, Fisher's exact and independent T-tests.
Results: Enuresis was observed in 79 children (5.4%). Frequency of nocturnal enuresis, proportion of males, snoring, history of enuresis in parents or siblings, diurnal enuresis, treatment of enuresis, and number of mothers with higher than diploma education were significantly higher in children with enuresis compared to those without enuresis, while the mean age of children and their mothers and proportion of employed fathers were significantly higher in children without enuresis.
Conclusion: Some variables including history of enuresis in parents or siblings, snoring, parents’ education, and employment of father are associated with enuresis which should be condidered in designing preventional programs.
Marjan Tarivardi, Javad Eskandari Neseb, Mohammad Baqer Rahmati, Maryam Mohammadian, Saeed Hosseini Teshnizi, Pejman Shahrokhi, Mohammad Tamdandar,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (7-2023)
Objective The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease, whose effects has been less investigated on children in Iran. This study aims to investigate the findings of lung CT scan and the factors affecting it in children with COVID-19 in Bandar Abbas, Iran.
Methods This descriptive/analytical study was conducted on 73 children with COVID-19 confirmed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction test hospitalized in Children's Hospital in Bandar Abbas city in 2020. Their age and sex were extracted from their medical records and the CT scan images, ground-glass opacities, lymphadenopathy, pleural effusion, collapse, peribronchial cuffing, and the involved side of lung were examined. Data were analyzed in SPSS software using chi-square test, Fisher's exact test and independent t test.
Results Lung involvement was observed in 31.5% of children, of whom 60.9% had bilateral involvement. The most common finding was the ground-glass opacity (60.9%). The percentage of ground-glass opacities was significantly higher in girls than in boys (P=0.003). The age of children with pleural effusion was significantly higher than that of children without pleural effusion (P=0.034). Regarding other findings of CT scan, no significant relationship was observed with age, sex and side of lung involvement.
Conclusion There is lung involvement in about one third of children with COVID-19 in Bandar Abbas city. To predict the severity of the disease and prevent pulmonary complications, affected children should undergo a CT scan during hospitalization.