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Volume 7, Issue 4 (winter 2020)                   J Prevent Med 2020, 7(4): 47-36 | Back to browse issues page

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Hosseini S K, Mohammadi Zeidi E, Jamali H A. The effect of training based on the theory of planned behavior on battery recycling in housewives in Karaj. J Prevent Med 2020; 7 (4) :47-36
URL: http://jpm.hums.ac.ir/article-1-475-en.html
1- BSc, Environmental Health, Student Research Center, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran.
2- Department of Health Education and Health Promotion, Social Factors in Health Promotion Research Center, Non-Communicable Disease Prevention Research Institute, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran.
3- Department of Environmental Health, Social Determinants on Health Promotion Research Center, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran.
Abstract:   (3116 Views)
Introduction: Household batteries, if not recycled, are one of the sources of environmental pollution.Educational intervention can change the behavior for recycling these batteries. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of education on battery recycling among housewives.
Methods: In this randomized quasi-experimental study, using random sampling, 120 housewives referring to health centers in Karaj city were selected and were equally divided into intervention and control groups.The educational intervention program consisted of 10 one-hour sessions of group training about battery components and their risks, separation methods, and disposal. Data were collected before and three months after the educational intervention using a valid and reliable researcher-made questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 25 and Chi-square, independent t-test, paired t-test and analysis of covariance.
Results: The mean age of participants was 35 ± 4. 63 years and about 70% had high school and university education. Covariance analysis showed that, after the educational intervention, there is a significant difference between the intervention and control groups in terms of knowledge, attitude, abstract norms, perceived behavioral control, and behavioral intention variables (P-value <0.05). Also, the average battery recycling behavior in housewives of the intervention group improved significantly after the educational intervention (P-Value <0.001).
Conclusion: The level of knowledge, attitude, and practice for battery recycling increased after the educational intervention. Therefore, continuous training for battery recycling is recommended.
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Type of Study: Orginal | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/10/5 | Accepted: 2020/12/18 | Published: 2021/02/28

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