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Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   J Prevent Med 2024, 11(1): 84-95 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 5913

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Rabiei L, Masoudi R. Evaluation of Coping Skills Program With Positive Cognitive-behavioral Approach on the Development of Students’ Individual and Social Adaptation to COVID-19 Disease. J Prevent Med 2024; 11 (1) :84-95
URL: http://jpm.hums.ac.ir/article-1-754-en.html
1- Department of Public Health, School of Public Health and Safety, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
2- Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (822 Views)
Objective The spread of COVID-19 caused many problems in the field of emotional, behavioral and social adjustment, especially in teenagers and young people. This study aims to assess the effect of coping skills training on the indididual and social adjusment of college students durring the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods This is a quasi-experimental study. The study population consists of the students of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Shahrekord, Iran in 2022. Eighty eligible students were selected and divided into two groups of intervention (n=40) and control (n=40).  The coping skills training with a positive cognitive-behavioral approach was provided to the intervention group at 10 training sessions for two months. The data collection tool was the California indididual-social adjusment scale. Data were collected before, immediately after, and one month after the intervention. The collected data was analyzed in SPSS software, version 18. 
Results There was no significant difference in the mean scores of social adjusment and its subscales (social patterns, social skills, family relations, educational relations, and social relations) between the two groups before the intervention (P>0.05). This difference was significant in the post-test and one-month follow-up phases based on independent t-test results (P<0.05). The results of repeated measured analysis of variance showed a significant difference in the mean scores of above mentioned variables among three measurement phases (P<0.001). However, this test did not show a significant difference in the mean score of the subscale of antisocial tendencies among three phases (P>0.05).
Conclusion The coping skills trainig with a positive cognitive-behavioral approach can increase the indivdual-social adjustment of college studentsdurring the COVID-19 pandemic. The results can help planners and policy makers in Iran to adopt effective intervention programs to increase mental health, coping skills, and ultimately the quality of life of college students.
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Type of Study: Orginal | Subject: general Hygiene
Received: 2024/01/7 | Accepted: 2024/03/6 | Published: 2024/03/29

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