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Title of the publication: Journal of Preventive Medicine
Publisher: Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences
Licensee: Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
Responsible Director: Dr. Abdul Hossein Madani ( Professor, Department of Public Health)
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Mehdi Zare (Associate Professor of Occupational Health Department)
Deputy Editor: Dr. Somayyeh dehghani (Assistant Professor of Environmental Health Engineering
Executive Director: Dr. Musa Soleimani (Professor of the Department of Medical Entomology)
Internal manager: Fayegheh Zareei
Farsi editor: Dr. Moussa Soleimani - Dr. Hamidreza Ghaffari
English editor: Dr. Mehdi Zare (Associate Professor, Department of Occupational Health)

Expert magazineResponsible for site and communication:  Fayegheh Zareei

Email address: http://jpm.hums.ac.ir
Email: jpm hums.ac.ir

Publication year: 2014
Rank: obtaining a scientific-research rank
Publication interval: Quarterly
Publication language: Persian-English
Main Image

Journal of Preventive Medicine

2024، Volume 10، Number 4

Print ISSN: 2476-7182

Online ISSN: 2423-429X

Director-in-Charge: Dr.Abdoul Hossain Madani

Editor-in-Chief: Dr.Mehdi Zare

View The Current Issue

  • :: The Mediating Role of Family Cohesion in the Relationship Between Attitude Towards Drug Addiction and Personal Empowerment in Iranian College Students

    :: Social Determinants of Health and Health-promoting Lifestyle of Pregnant Women in Hormozgan Province, Southern Iran

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Journal Information

  • Current Issue: 2024، Volume 10، Number 4
  • Owner: Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences
  • Publishing Frequency: Quarterly (4 Issues per Year)
  • Start Publishing Year: 2014
  • Article Access: Open (Free of Charge)
  • Language: Persian Full-text/English Abstract (250words)
  • Releasing Fee: None
  • Referencing Method: Vancouver
  • eISSN: 2423-429X 
  • pISSN: 2476-7182 

Journal Staff

  • Editor-in-Chief: Dr.Abdoul Hossain Madani
  • Manager-in-Charge: Dr.Mehdi Zare
  • Associate Editor: Dr. Sara Dadipour
  • Executive Manager: Dr.Moussa Soleimani
  • Internal Manager: Faegheh Zarei
  • Literary Editors: Dr.Moussa Soleimani; Hamidreza Ghafari; 
  • English Editor: Dr. Mehdi Zare
  • Site and Communication Expert: Faegheh Zarei

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